Today I’m going to talk about my 11th birthday party at the pumpkin patch.

It all started when I thought I was going to this place called “The Inflatable Run”. Three days before the day of my birthday party my dad picked me up from school and told me that they canceled “The Inflatable Run”. When my dad told me I thought he was joking.

 The day after my dad told me my friend called me and told me that her mom got an email that it was canceled. I was so shocked i thought my birthday is ruined.  I thought “what are we going to do now”. So I asked my mom. She told me that she was going to think about it and get back to me. The next day came and she told me that she found this place called ” Joan’s Farm and Pumpkin Patch”.

The Pumpkin Patch had all kinds of things like 2 Mazes, a Large slide, a 40 Ft. Obstacle Course, Gem panning, a Blue kids Train, a petting zoo, a pony ride, Face painting, Children’s play area, and an Antique Museum.

It was 8 kids total, and we got to run around the whole park by ourselves, we got to get snow cones, we got to do the Hay ride, and all of the other things. After we did all of the activities that they had we went to go feed all of the animals,  they had chickens, sheep, goats, donkeys, and cattle. The park was getting ready to close shortly so it was time to pick out our pumpkins and head out of the park.

When we got to my house my mom ordered pizza for all of us to eat. After we ate we all went in my backyard and played on my trampoline for about 30 minutes. It was time to sing Happy Birthday.  My mom let my friends stay pretty late that day. My friend’s started to leave one by one till they were all gone,but  I got to have one friend stay over that was cool.  We got a chance to hang and stay up late.  Overall i had a pretty good 11th Birthday hope you enjoyed my day as much as i did thanks for reading.


Today i am going to talk about my experience of tasting Bloves sauce. Blove has a YouTube channel called Bloves Life. I’m also going to show how to make the sauce.

How to make the sauce: Seasonings

  1. Cajun spice mix 1 tsp or 1 tbsp (optional)
  2. Garlic powder 1 tsp or 1 tbsp
  3. Paprika 1 tsp or 1 tbsp
  4. Black pepper or white pepper 1 tsp or 1 tbsp
  5. Cayenne pepper 1 tsp or 1 tbsp
  6. Onion powder 1 tsp or 1 tbsp
  7. Oregano 1 tsp or 1 tbsp
  8. Lemon pepper 1 tsp or 1 tbsp
  9. Crushed Red pepper 1 tsp or 1 tbsp (optional)
  10. Chili powder 1 tsp or 1 tbsp
  11. Accent Salt 1 tsp or 1 tbsp (optional)
  12. Old Bay seasoning 1 or 2 tsp or 1 or 2 tbsp
  13. Brown sugar 1 or 2 tsp or 1 or 2 tbsp

How to make the sauce: More Ingredients

  1. Vinegar 1 tsp or 1 tbsp (optional)
  2. Lemon freshly squeezed 1 tsp (optional) or add it on top of the seafood
  3. Tabasco sauce 1 tsp or 1 tbsp (optional) or add your favorite hot sauce
  4. Worcestershire sauce 1 tsp or 1 tbsp
  5. Minced garlic 3 to 4 bulbs
  6. Onion 1/4 of a large minced or half onion
  7. Minced ginger 2 to 3 tsp or 2 to 3 tbsp (optional)
  8. 4 -6 sticks of unsalted sweet butter or how ever many u see fit, or you can use any kind of butter you prefer

How to make the sauce:

  1. 1 tsp or 1 tbsp of each seasoning and mix it all up
  2. Put the bulbs of garlic and the onions in the blender. You can blend it as much as you want to
  3. Put the butter in any kind of pot you want and put it on medium heat
  4. Once the butter has melted add the blended bulbs of garlic and onions in the pot with the butter
  5. Add a tsp or a tbsp of minced ginger
  6. Add a tsp or tbsp of hot sauce
  7. Once you stir all of the things up pour the dry ingredients in the pot with all of the other things inside the bowl
  8. After you have stirred it all up bring it to a boil
  9. After you have brought it to a boil put the sauce in anything you feel comfortable putting the sauce in and                             ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My experience Tasting the sauce:

The sauce turned out just right. The sauce was a red color from all the spice you had to put in it. It had a lot of butter in it so the butter just floated to the top of the bowl looked kind of good and spicy.  When I first tasted the sauce I thought it was good but I liked my moms butter sauce better. She makes the best seafood sauce I have tasted by far.




The day was Friday September 28th my sisters birthday party. We were having a BBQ for her. She invited a few friends over, lol a lot of friends over. The music was playing everyone was enjoying the company of others laughing and talking. Then it was time to sing Happy Birthday, she had a Strawberry cake with whip cream it was delicious.

We all were taking pictures I was just walking around playing with my nephew. He was running around the house laughing and playing with everyone he’s really friendly. He sure does move fast and get into  lot of stuff at his age, he’s one in a half ears old and a really busy little guy.

Well it was his bedtime and his mom my sister was getting things ready for him to go to bed. She thought he was downstairs but O no he wasn’t! Next thing you know “BOOM”, it was like a shower in our kitchen there was water coming through the vent and the speaker that was on the ceiling. Oh my goodness my dad when up stairs to get something and he found my nephew playing in the bath water in my mom and dads room. The reason we didn’t know that he was up there is because downstairs the music was so loud that we couldn’t hear the bath water running from downstairs like we usually do. He had turned the faucet out of the tub and water was running all over the floor. The water was at least 3 inches of water on the floor, and he turned the water all the way up. Good thing he didn’t get hurt.

My mom run up the stairs and grabbed sheets and towels out of the washroom because my mom had just washed all of them so she just pulled the bucket full of them into the bathroom and dumped them out onto the wet floor. Then we had to get a big bucket to put under the vent and put a big towel on the floor for the water under the speaker it was crazy. When they found out that he was in the bathroom playing in the water they told me to bring him in my room and take all of his clothes off because he was soaking wet. The house was full of people, they were all like whats going on we had to explain what happened. We got all the water soaked up and thing went back to normal.

Lessons learned its very important to keep a gate up when you have small children in the house, i’m just glad nothing happened to my nephew in the process of playing in the water.


Today I am going to give you a step by step routine that i do every night. I have been doing this routine for a long time.

Step 1: My dad picks me up from my grandmas house.

Step 2: I put everything down and get settled in

Step 3: I eat something if i’m hungry

Step 4:I get in the shower

Step 5: I play with my nephew for about 30 minutes

Step 6: About 9:00 I try go to sleep, and if I cant go to sleep I just watch TV until I do

That concludes my nightly routine! Hope you enjoy see you next time!


On April 15th 2016, my nephew was born. His name is Kamari Tate. My Grandmother, and my Auntie took me to the hospital because my cousin was there. When we got to the hospital my Grandma said Kamari’s moms name to the person. When I heard her say that I was so exited and surprised at the same time. Before we got there he was born. They told us where the room was and we went to the room, while we were walking to the room we saw my brother and then we saw his girlfriend and the baby in her hands. She was in the hospital bed and they were taking her into a different room because she was in the delivery room at first.

When we got back in the room I finally saw him and he was so cute, and I was so happy that he was born. My brother let me hold him because I wanted to hold him and when they gave me the baby I was scared because I never held a baby before. While I was holding him my brother was taking a lot of pictures of him, and I. While I was holding him he started to move and I was scared I was going to drop him so I gave him to my Auntie so she can hold him. Then they told us we had to leave the room for a minute because they had to give Kamari’s mom some shots. After my Auntie held him she gave him back to my brother. After we went to go see my nephew we went to go see my cousin because she was also in the hospital.

When we left the hospital i was so glad to be an Auntie for the first time !!!!



In this blog I am going to talk about my grandmas 70th birthday.

We celebrated it at a center in Oakland. It was a costume party so everyone was dressed up like they were in 1920s. When we got there we set everything up from the food to the decorations to the dessert table. The food was catered and made by my mom. The menu had four different kind of pastas with two options of meat for each sauce which was shrimp, lobster, and the other one was chicken. Then there was a teriyaki chicken, beer glazed chicken, and dirty rice. There was more to the menu but those are some I liked the most. My favorite food from the menu was the teriyaki chicken.

The people at the party were mostly family and close friends of my grandma. Seeing all my family really made my night because it was love all around. There was a lot of good music and fun fact my cousin DJ’d the party. Seeing my grandma and her friends partying was really cool. I also got to hang out with my cousins that I haven’t seen in a while and We got to play and stay on the stage with the DJ.

One fun part of the night was singing happy birthday to my grandma. It was very fun and loud and my grandma was very excited. Once that was finished we got to eat dessert and their were cupcakes along with a 1920s cake. The cake was very detailed with feathers and a lot of glitter.  Once that was over we took group pictures with just family, and then family and friends. To wrap up the night we helped clean up and packed up all the left over food.

Then to conclude the night we went back to my great grandmothers house and party for a little bit more. This was a very fun and eventful night for not only me but for my grandma.


My Daily School Routine

Today’s blog will consist of how I begin my day step by step until the day is finished. This is my routine that I have been doing since I been attending elementary school and fixed a little bit for my transition to middle school.

Step 1: My mom wakes me up by coming in my room around 7:00 am to begin my day. She says “Wake up”

Step 2: Then the first thing I do is go to  the bathroom. I then brush my teeth and wash my face.

Step 3: Then I come back into my parents room and my mom starts to do my hair. I don’t get the choice of how I want my hair since it would take forever for me to chose if I had the chance too

Step 4: Once I’m done with my hair, I go back in my room and start getting dressed. Its easy because my mom gets my clothes ready for me that morning.  As I’m getting dressed my mom is down stairs making breakfast for me.

Step 5: I go down stairs and eat my breakfast. My typical breakfast consists of pancakes, boiled eggs, and sausage with a bottle of water on the side.

Step 6: Now that I have finished my breakfast it is usually around 7:50 am and its time for me to get in the car and go to school.

Step 7: I’m on my way to school and we usually take a short cut to beat the traffic of the high school and middle school.

Step 8: I’m usually at school by 8:15 with 5 mins to spare until the first bell rings for first period. I have 5 mins to go to my locker or talk with my friends.

This is my daily routine that I follow and have been following for a long time. These simple steps  help me learn structure and consistency. Having a set routine helps with my time management skills. Hopefully you guys enjoyed my blog for today and thanks for stopping by.



This blog is about how to make slime. Im going to give you step by step instructions on how to make your own slime.


The first step is: What you will need

  1. A bowl or something to mix the stuff in
  2. Glue [Elmer’s is the best to use] You can also use any type of glue like white, clear, or some other colored glue if you want
  3. Water [optional]
  4. Lotion [optional]
  5. Food coloring or some type of coloring [optional]
  6. Activator

These are the steps that you will need to do when you make the slime:

  1. Pour the glue into the bowl according  to how much you want to make
  2. Add a little bit of water [optional] and mix it up until the water is mixed in with the glue and then mix.
  3. Add your color into the bowl [optional] If your using food coloring add about 2-4 drops of it. If you are using paint add a little bit of it then mix it all up.
  4. Add about 3-6 pumps of lotion [optional]
  5. The last step is to add your Activator. Activator is the solution to make all of the things you added to make the slime slime. You can use what ever kind of activator you want like laundry detergent, baking soda mixed with contact solution, and other thing like that to help you slime turn into actual slime. You need to mix the solution with the activator until it gets to the consistency you want it to.


The first step is: What you will need

  1. A bowl or something to mix the stuff in
  2. Glue
  3. Water
  4. Lotion [optional]
  5. Color [optional]
  6. Activator

These are the steps that you will need to make your slime:

  1. Pour the glue into the bowl according to how much you want to make
  2. Add a lot of water, but the water has to be almost the same amount as however much glue you added and then mix it with the glue
  3. Add your color [optional] [2-4 drops] then mix
  4. Add about 3-6 pumps of Lotion [optional]
  5. The last step is to add your activator and mix it until it turns into the consistency that you want it to be.


The first step is: What you will need

  1. A bowl or something to mix the stuff in
  2. Water [optional]
  3. Color [optional]
  4. Lotion [optional]
  5. Fishbowl or some kind of crunchy things that you can put into slime
  6. Activator

These are the steps that you will need to make your slime:

  1. Pour the glue into your bowl according to how much you want to make
  2. Add a little bit of water [optional]
  3. Add your color [optional]
  4. Add about 3-6 pumps on lotion [optional]
  5. Add your activator to the mix and mix it until it gets to the right consistency that you want it to be.
  6. Add the beads to your mix, but don’t add a lot because they all might not fit into your slime. Make the slime a little sticky so all of the beads will stick to your slime, if the beads don’t really stick to your slime add some lotion and that might work.

So I’ve told you how to make 3 different kinds of slime.



The Ace Family is a YouTube family of 4. Ace stands for Austin, Catherine, and Elle. They live in Los Angeles California. They has 5 cars a Range Rover, Jeep, camaro, a Lamborghini, and a golf cart. Their Jeeps name is Shelby, there lamborginis name is dream, and thier golf carts name is patty. Austin is 26 years old, Catherine is 28 years old, and Elle is 2 years old. The Ace Family does pranks like the break up prank, the i lost my baby prank ,the my water broke prank , and other pranks like that. Pranks are when you joke around with people or when you are doing a mischievous act.

Image result for all of the ace family carsRelated image

They also do challenges like the one chip challenge, the duck tape challenge, the yoga challenge, and other challenges like that. A challenge is when you are challenging people to do things with you, or doing dancing challenges, or other kinds of challenges like that. One other thing they do is vlogs like buying a new car or going grocery shopping, or other things that’s related to that. Vlogs are when you vlog your daily life, go on road trips, or were ever you go, or were ever you want to go.

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Austin use to be on a basketball team at the Eastern Washington University college and played for the Eagles. Catherine was a french-Canadian model, an actress, and a social media star. Catherine also used to model for Victoria’s Secret,and Azzelia swimwear. Catherine is pregnant with her second child which is a girl but they haven’t announced the name yet. Catherine’s due date is the day after my birthday which is October 19th, but since shes 9 months pregnant she can have the baby any day or week now.

Image result for where did austin mcbroom play college basketballImage result for alaia mcbroom

Austin purposed to Catherine on her birthday which is August 24th. Before he purposed to her they jumped out of a plane because she has been wanting to do that for a long time. Austin wanted to jump first because he wanted to set everything up. Before he purposed to Catherine he purposed to Elle and gave her like a promise ring. Catherine knew  that she was coming next so she started crying and then he purposed to Catherine, when Austin purposed to Catherine before she said Yes he said “If i can express the love i have for you i would be standing on one knee for the rest of my life”.


Every time they do there into they always say “HEYYYY ACEEEE FAMILYYYYY”.When they finish saying that Catherine always says “Welcome back to our channel guys”. Then Austin always says “WHATT’SS GOING ON EVERYBODDYYY”. The Ace Family made a song together called “Your My Ace”. They also went to Miami to film another music video but it didn’t work out the way they were expecting it to so they went back home. The Ace Family hosted a basketball charity event on July 1, 2018.

Image result for your my ace songImage result for the ace family basketball charity event

Austin and his team went against the YouTuber Ricegum. Austins team was his brother, Kristopher London, Wolfe, Tanner Fox, Paul George, and Jc Caylen. Rice Gums team was Faze Bank, Brawadis, Juju Smith, Alex Wassabi, Devin Booker, and Adam Selah. Whoever won the game gets $75,000 to give away to charity to any charity they choose. Since Austins team won Austin and Catherine got to choose what charity they wanted to give the money to.


The Ace Family choose to give the people in Africa water because they didn’t have any. Austin had to go to Africa without Catherine because she was pregnant, so Austin and some of his team mates went to Africa together.  For Cathrines birthday Austin surprised Catherine with a trip to go see her favorite animal. When they got to their destination he blindfolded her so she couldn’t see what was gong on.

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Once she saw her gift she was so happy that she started crying and she said that an Elephant was her favorite animal then Austin told her that the Elephants name was Bubbles. They also seen and held other animals. After that Austin got her another birthday gift and it was a new car. It was a Luxury Range Rover that she wanted for a long time and she wanted it to be the family car since it has a lot of room in the back seat to fit two big car seats with the Tvs on the back of the front seat and the back of the passengers seat. So that was a little about The Ace Family.

Image result for austin from the ace family surprising catherine for her birthday with the elephantImage result for austin from the ace family surprising catherine for her birthday with the elephant

Image result for austin from the ace family surprising catherine for her birthday with the elephantImage result for austin from the ace family surprising catherine for her birthday with the elephantImage result for austin from the ace family surprising catherine for her birthday with the elephant

UPDATE: They had their baby October 17th 2018. Her name is Alaia Marie Mcbroom. They did 2 episodes on their documentary about their life. Their building a house in a large area close to their old house and their going to move in soon. Catherine crashed in her driveway and scraped and I think dented the other persons car. They got a new chef. They went to Cochella with their kids. Alaia got her ears pierced. They collabed with James Charles 5 months ago.



Being respectful starts with a basic consideration of other people’s feelings. Treat everyone you meet with respect. Be polite. Practicing good manners is a way to be respectful of other peoples space and time. Here are a few ways to be polite

-Don’t talk on the phone where it could bother people

-Don’t cut in line

-Say Please and Thank you

-Throw away trash instead of leaving it for someone else to clean

Be respectful to everyone not just people you know. Any space you share with others should be treated with respect, [your home, your school, and your street]. You wouldn’t like if others trashed the place where you spend time everyday. This also apply’s to the classroom.

We can be respectful by listening to the teacher, paying attention, show that your ready to learn, and listen when the teacher is talking. To help being respectful we can always listen to the teacher and do what the teacher says. We can also be kind to people by not hurting peoples feelings and treat them how they want to be treated. When the teacher is talking don’t talk because its disrespectful. When the teacher tells you to do something you should not ask any questions and do it.

If someone needs help with something you should help them. If you need help or confused with something ask somebody in the class or the teacher. Being respectful means that you don’t bully people and don’t make fun of people that don’t believe in things or don’t do something the same way you do. In the class make sure you clean up after yourself, and push in the chairs.