The day was Friday September 28th my sisters birthday party. We were having a BBQ for her. She invited a few friends over, lol a lot of friends over. The music was playing everyone was enjoying the company of others laughing and talking. Then it was time to sing Happy Birthday, she had a Strawberry cake with whip cream it was delicious.

We all were taking pictures I was just walking around playing with my nephew. He was running around the house laughing and playing with everyone he’s really friendly. He sure does move fast and get into  lot of stuff at his age, he’s one in a half ears old and a really busy little guy.

Well it was his bedtime and his mom my sister was getting things ready for him to go to bed. She thought he was downstairs but O no he wasn’t! Next thing you know “BOOM”, it was like a shower in our kitchen there was water coming through the vent and the speaker that was on the ceiling. Oh my goodness my dad when up stairs to get something and he found my nephew playing in the bath water in my mom and dads room. The reason we didn’t know that he was up there is because downstairs the music was so loud that we couldn’t hear the bath water running from downstairs like we usually do. He had turned the faucet out of the tub and water was running all over the floor. The water was at least 3 inches of water on the floor, and he turned the water all the way up. Good thing he didn’t get hurt.

My mom run up the stairs and grabbed sheets and towels out of the washroom because my mom had just washed all of them so she just pulled the bucket full of them into the bathroom and dumped them out onto the wet floor. Then we had to get a big bucket to put under the vent and put a big towel on the floor for the water under the speaker it was crazy. When they found out that he was in the bathroom playing in the water they told me to bring him in my room and take all of his clothes off because he was soaking wet. The house was full of people, they were all like whats going on we had to explain what happened. We got all the water soaked up and thing went back to normal.

Lessons learned its very important to keep a gate up when you have small children in the house, i’m just glad nothing happened to my nephew in the process of playing in the water.

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