This blog is about how to make slime. Im going to give you step by step instructions on how to make your own slime.


The first step is: What you will need

  1. A bowl or something to mix the stuff in
  2. Glue [Elmer’s is the best to use] You can also use any type of glue like white, clear, or some other colored glue if you want
  3. Water [optional]
  4. Lotion [optional]
  5. Food coloring or some type of coloring [optional]
  6. Activator

These are the steps that you will need to do when you make the slime:

  1. Pour the glue into the bowl according  to how much you want to make
  2. Add a little bit of water [optional] and mix it up until the water is mixed in with the glue and then mix.
  3. Add your color into the bowl [optional] If your using food coloring add about 2-4 drops of it. If you are using paint add a little bit of it then mix it all up.
  4. Add about 3-6 pumps of lotion [optional]
  5. The last step is to add your Activator. Activator is the solution to make all of the things you added to make the slime slime. You can use what ever kind of activator you want like laundry detergent, baking soda mixed with contact solution, and other thing like that to help you slime turn into actual slime. You need to mix the solution with the activator until it gets to the consistency you want it to.


The first step is: What you will need

  1. A bowl or something to mix the stuff in
  2. Glue
  3. Water
  4. Lotion [optional]
  5. Color [optional]
  6. Activator

These are the steps that you will need to make your slime:

  1. Pour the glue into the bowl according to how much you want to make
  2. Add a lot of water, but the water has to be almost the same amount as however much glue you added and then mix it with the glue
  3. Add your color [optional] [2-4 drops] then mix
  4. Add about 3-6 pumps of Lotion [optional]
  5. The last step is to add your activator and mix it until it turns into the consistency that you want it to be.


The first step is: What you will need

  1. A bowl or something to mix the stuff in
  2. Water [optional]
  3. Color [optional]
  4. Lotion [optional]
  5. Fishbowl or some kind of crunchy things that you can put into slime
  6. Activator

These are the steps that you will need to make your slime:

  1. Pour the glue into your bowl according to how much you want to make
  2. Add a little bit of water [optional]
  3. Add your color [optional]
  4. Add about 3-6 pumps on lotion [optional]
  5. Add your activator to the mix and mix it until it gets to the right consistency that you want it to be.
  6. Add the beads to your mix, but don’t add a lot because they all might not fit into your slime. Make the slime a little sticky so all of the beads will stick to your slime, if the beads don’t really stick to your slime add some lotion and that might work.

So I’ve told you how to make 3 different kinds of slime.


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